
Raigad is revered by every Maharashtrian. Explore the majestic Raigad Fort, the historic
capital of Shivaji Maharaj’s Maratha Empire, perched atop a hill holding in its depths the
stories of valour and Swarajya. Take a break and connect with nature amidst green valleys
and mango and cashew orchards. Rich in culture and steeped in history, Raigad district
beckons one and all. Today, apart from the agricultural produce, the district has multiple
steel and chemical plants. Power generation is another sector that is thriving in Raigad.

What’s Happening in Raigad?

Popular Forums

Avenues for Change, Development and Growth

District Visionary Contest

National Forum

National Forum

Raigad Forum

Raigad Heritage

District Mission Leaders/Influencers

Reach Accomplished Professionals From Your District Around The World.

Let townmates celebrate your achievements.
Be the role model to build the crowd of achievers.
Suggest person/s from your hometown district, who have achieved remarkable accomplishments,
for the recognition and appreciations by townmates..

Connect with your townmates around the world !

Join the Global Community of Your Hometown and Connect with the People, Who Share Your Origins.

Income Opportunity

Elevate Your Income to Unimaginable Heights and Join the Ranks of High-Earning Visionaries with this Revolutionary and Game-Changing Opportunity.